
10 Brutal Truths About First Date Compatibility (And Why You Should Pay Attention)

10 Brutal Truths About First Date Compatibility (And Why You Should Pay Attention)

10/16/2024 12:00:00 AM

You’ve done the flirt dating site. Now its first date time. Small talk, forced smiles, and wondering if this is your soulmate or just someone you'll actively avoid in town from now on. But what if you could figure it out on that very first outing? Here are the sign to help you decode whether your date is a match or just another walking red flag in disguise.

1. You didn’t want to flee – If you made it through the first drink without Googling "how to fake your own death," it’s a win.

2. Silent moments weren’t awkward – You didn’t feel the need to fill every silence with nervous babbling about your pet’s digestive issues. Sometimes silence just...was.

3. You didn’t mentally punch their face – They haven’t said anything that made you want to throw your drink in their face. A high bar these days, but a bar nonetheless.

4. Their phone stayed in their pocket – They actually stayed present during the date. Shocking, right? In 2024, that’s basically marriage material.

5. Laughed at your darkest joke – If they didn’t recoil in horror at your gallows humour, that’s a clear sign they might be able to deal with your nihilistic outlook on life.

6. You didn’t roll your eyes once – If you managed to listen to their life stories without mentally ranking their annoying traits, there’s potential.

7. They didn’t order the most annoying thing on the menu – No one wants to date someone who needs an entire dissertation to order a salad. If their order didn’t involve microgreens or truffle oil, keep them.

8. They didn’t compare you to their ex** – Or even worse, *their mom*. If your date didn’t mention their previous flames, you’ve hit the jackpot.

9. Their voice didn’t grate – If their voice didn’t make you feel like your ears were being assaulted by nails on a chalkboard, you’re already halfway to forever

10. You’re not exhausted – After two hours, you don’t feel the desperate need to get home and recharge for three days. That’s compatibility, baby.

So, there you have it: 10 signs that your date might actually be worth a second round of overpriced cocktails. Of course, it’s always possible to ignore the red flags, soldier on, and end up complaining to your friends later—because hey, who doesn’t love a good train wreck story? But if you’re after real compatibility, take note of these hints and, for the love of all things swipe-able, don’t settle for less. You deserve more than someone whose phone gets more attention than you.